"Always work hard and be the best at what you do. But remember that no man on his death bed ever said “Damn, I wish I worked more overtime”. You could have all the money in the world but if you don’t have time to spend it on good food, good friends, and good travel… YOU ARE POOR"The awesome thing about having friends who know you inside and out is that they pass along goofy pictures, blog sites and random inspirational things that they know you'd love. I'm a sucker for a good quote. It's a thing that sometimes I need to pump the brake on. Someone told me, hey I love all the quote post its on your mirror but you can say it better yourself... FALSE. Sometimes other people's words have a way of putting it into perspective. Your tunnel vision is lifted and you can see clearly through someone else's eyes. This video is one of those things. It's inspirational and it's impassioned. Quite honestly it made me feel just a little better about graduating. As May approaches and I send out my grad invites, purchase my cap and gown, and apply to about five hundred million jobs, it feels a little like everything is closing in, doors included. BUT this video reminded me that's not the case at all. Doors are swinging opening and you can choose to walk through them with a passion that gets you to where you want to be. I love the saying, "lack of passion is fatal." At the end of the day I want to be doing something where it doesn't matter what time the clock reads because it doesn't matter how much of the day is left. That's passion. That's living. That's being rich.
This video was passed along by a friend. It's truly encouraging and frankly, exactly what I needed.
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